Download source code from here: treeDemp.html, treeDemo1.js [Note: you will need extjs 4]
Click the image to see demo
The main idea is for each keyup in the text box i do following:
Detail code given below:
Click the image to see demo
The main idea is for each keyup in the text box i do following:
- tree.getRootNode().cascadeBy(function() { // descends into child nodes
- if(!(>-1)) {//Now do the actual filtering
- console.log("remove");
- removeArray[i] = this;//cannot call this.remove() here as cascadeBy() tends to traverse all the nodes and if node is removed it gives error
- i++;
- }
- });
- for(var j=0;j<i;j++) {
- removeArray[j].remove();//do actual removing, but unforunately once //removed,,there is not a easy way to add back to same location so , here i //simply regenrate whole tree again at line 53 : setnode(tree)
- }
- Ext.application({
- name: 'treeFilterDemo',
- appFolder: 'app',
- requires: [ 'Ext.form.Panel','Ext.container.Viewport',
- '','Ext.tree.Panel','','Ext.layout.container.Border'
- ],
- setnode:function(tree){
- var node = {text:'', qtip:'',expanded:true, leaf:false, children:[]};
- var node1_1 = {text:'apple_1', qtip:'apple_1',expanded:true, leaf:true, children:[]};
- var node1_2 = {text:'apple_2', qtip:'apple_2',expanded:true, leaf:true, children:[]};
- var node1 = {text:'apple', qtip:'apple,apple_1,apple_2',expanded:true, leaf:false, children:[node1_1,node1_2]};
- var node2_1 = {text:'apricoat_1', qtip:'apricoat_1',expanded:true, leaf:true, children:[]};
- var node2_2 = {text:'apricoat_2', qtip:'apricoat_2',expanded:true, leaf:true, children:[]};
- var node2 = {text:'apricoat', qtip:'apricoat,apricoat_1,apricoat_2',expanded:true, leaf:false, children:[node2_1,node2_2]};
- node.children = [node1,node2];
- tree.setRootNode(node);
- },
- launch: function() {
- var setNodeFn = this.setnode;
- var tree = Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', {
- myRootNodes:[],
- region:'center',
- hideHeaders: true,
- rootVisible: false,
- expandedNodes:[],
- viewConfig: {
- plugins: {
- ptype: 'treeviewdragdrop',
- appendOnly: true
- }
- },
- height: 350,
- width: 400,
- });
- var textField = {xtype:'textfield',
- prompt:'serach',
- name: 'name',
- region:'north',
- value:'Type filter text',
- enableKeyEvents:true,
- listeners:{
- focus:{fn:function (view, record, item, index, even) {
- this.setValue("");
- }},
- keyup:{
- fn:function(view, record, item, index, even){
- var txt= this;
- setNodeFn(tree);
- var removeArray = [];
- var i=0;
- tree.getRootNode().cascadeBy(function() { // descends into child nodes
- if(!(>-1)) {//Now do the actual filtering
- console.log("remove");
- removeArray[i] = this;//cannot call this.remove() here as cascadeBy() tens to traverse all the nodes and if node is removed it gives error
- i++;
- }
- });
- for(var j=0;j<i;j++) {
- removeArray[j].remove();//do actual removing, but unforunately once removed,,there is not a easy way to add back to same location so , here i simply regenrate whole tree again at line 53 : setnode(tree)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- this.setnode(tree);
- Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
- items: [
- textField,tree
- ]
- });
- }
- });
I had the same problem and after a long time searching I decided to implement something by myself, this works for a full search in nodes and leafs, automatically expands found nodes, is pretty generic you can see it in:
ReplyDeleteBest regards,