Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rearrangine extjs windows in cascade [ as we do in ..for example..windows7]

Click the image to view demo

Download files from here: windowRearrange.js  and  windowRearrange.html

Air: getting current user name

well , for this you can use following technique:
1)File path to user directory [in windows user director name = user name]
2) parse the path to get user name [last string has user name ie: c:\..\..\username]


 var userFolder:String = File.userDirectory.nativePath;
 var userName:String = userFolder.substr(userFolder.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1);

Extjs: Chaning tip text: acessing thumb value while dragging

  1. initComponent: function () {
  2.         this.tipText = function(thumb){
  3.             return Ext.String.format(thumb.value+" is the current thumb value");
  4.         };
  5.         this.callParent();
  6.     }

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Extjs error: "me.events is undefined" when you fire event to an object

>> make sure that you ahve done addEvents("yourEvent")  for your object

Extjs error: while setting tree/rendering tree nodes error: record undefined

while setting tree/rendering tree nodes error: record undefined
>>Make sure objects you used as tree nodes do not have duplicate id,

"me.events is undefined" when you file event to an object
>> make sure that you ahve done addEvents("yourEvent")  for your object